Hunter Leininger's Adventure Racing Team
Home of the Youngest
Adventure Racer and World Record Holder

Hunter's Bio
2 Expedition Racing World Records
4 Adventure Racing National Records
7 Mountain Biking Endurance Records
At 7 years old:
2009 BOAR 6-hour adventure race:
2009 Nocatee 5-hour adventure race:
At 8 Years old:
2009 Missing River 8-hour adventure race:
At 9 years old:
2010 BOAR 6-hour adventure race:
2010 Lighterknot 8-hour adventure race: (7th Place)
At 10 years old:
2011 BOAR 6-hour adventure race: (12th Place)
2011 Turkey Burn 12hr adventure race: (17th Place)
(US record holder for the youngest to complete a 12 hour adventure race)
At 11 years old:
2012 Nocturnal 12-Hour adventure race: (6th Place)
2012 Superhero 6-Hour adventure race: (8th Place)
USARA 24 hour Nationals 2012, New York.
(National Record holder for the youngest racer ever to finish a 24 hour National
Championship Event.
At 12 years old:
2013 Resolution 8-Hour adventure race: (12th Place)
2013 Nocturnal 18-Hour adventure race: (4th Place)
Best finish for anyone under 16 for 18 hour race in the US.
2013 Superhero 6-Hour adventure race: (7th Place)
2013 Luminescent 8-hour adventure race: (6th Place)
2013 Lighter Knot 8-hour adventure race: (3rd Place)
Checkpoint Tracker Nationals 2013, Knoxville, TN.
(National Record holder for the youngest racer ever to finish a 30 hour National Event.
2014 Pangea Sea to Sea 3-day expedition race. (11th Place overall)
Official World Record: Place 11th out of 28 teams and set the New World Record for the
youngest racer to complete this length race.
2014 Palmetto Swamp 12-hour adventure Charleston, NC: (1st Place overall)
Finished 1st out of 48 adult teams. (US record holder for the youngest to ever win a
USARA Nationals Qualifier race of any length.
At 13 years old:
2014 Tsali 12-Hour MTB Bike Race:
Youngest to ever complete 8 laps and 77 miles in 11 hours.
2014 Turkey Burn 12hr adventure race: (1st Place overall)
(Youngest to ever win a this race)
2014 Superhero 6-hour adventure race: (4th Place)
2014 Luminescent 8-hour adventure race: (3rd Place)
2014 BOAR 6-hour adventure race: (5th Place)
2014 Swank 65 Mountain Bike race in NC:
Youngest racer to ever complete this race within the cut-off.
USARA 24 hour Nationals 2012, Maryland. (25th out of 50 teams)
2015 Resolution 8-Hour adventure race: (3rd Place)
2015 Pangea Sea to Sea 3-day expedition race. (6th Place out of 25 adult teams)
2015 Santos 12-Hour MTB Bike Race:
Youngest to ever complete 11 laps and 88 miles in 12 hours.
At 14 years old:
2015 HammerHead 100 mile MTB Bike Race:
Youngest to ever complete the full 100 miles within the cut-off
2015 Leadville 50 MTB Bike Race in Colorado:
Youngest to ever complete the full 50 miles within the cut-off.
2015 Rev-3 Cowboy Tough 4-day expedition race.
Official World Record: Place 15th out of 30 teams and set the New World Record for the
youngest racer to ever complete this length race.
2015 HogBack 24hr Adventure Race in Ocoee, Tenn: (2nd Place)
2015 Florida State Championships Turkey Burn 12hr adventure race: (1st Place overall)
Youngest to ever win this race two years in a row
- 2016 Santos 12-Hour MTB Bike Race:
Youngest to ever complete 12 laps and 111 miles in 12 hours.
At 15 years old: Present
- 2016 Cohutta 100 Mile MTB race
Youngest to ever complete the full 100 miles within the cut-off
- 2016 Dirty Spokes 6 hour MTB race
Youngest to ever win the sport division race.
Future Races: 2015-2016
USARA Nationals Oct 7-8
All FLX Adventure races (12 Races total)
All “Gone Riding” Endurance Bike races (5 total)
2016 South East Championship series (MTB)
Corsica Raid (France) 2016 (World Record Attempt)
5 other National Adventure Races
World Championships of Adventure Racing (World Record Attempt)
Leadville 100 mile challenge (US Record Attempt)